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Filipe Samuel Silva. Full Professor. Ranked among the 2% of most influential scientists in the world in biomedical field (materials and technologies) (Elsevier/Stanford University-EUA) (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)


Dental Discoveries Weekly

Dental Discoveries Weekly is a platform of information exchange from where we will share with you the research we developed, at Minho University, Portugal, and CMEMS research Center - Center for Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, for the last decades with other research groups, dentists, universities and companies, from EUA, Brasil, Netherlends, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Germany, France, Switzerland, Finland, Australia, etc, from where more than 130 research papers were published, regarding innovation's developments, test of materials, biomaterials developments, interviews with dentists, clinical case studies, and the most visionary trends in dental area.

For 2 minutes, every week, you may watch amazing yet practical information regarding dental applications,, here, and on facebook (see below). Moreover a forum of discussion is open for your comments, questions, suggestion of eventual topics for discussion, suggestions for tests at our university, components development, etc. Stay tuned to us. Antecipate the future with us. Join now.


09-15th Nov.2024  Who we are. Here to make a difference.

Together to pursue the extraordinary.

16-23rd Nov.2024  To your children only the best crowns (1)

The MicroPk™Crowns - Brief Introduction.

24th  Nov-01st Dec.2024  To your children only the best crowns (2).


Extraordinarily Thin, White, Flexible crowns-Just place them.

02-08th Dec.2024  To your children only the best crowns (3).


Extraordinarily Strong and Durable.

09-15th Dec.2024  To your children only the best crowns (4).


Extraordinarily Comfortable for children.

imagem geral curso.webp


PEEK (personalized) pediatric crowns versus SS-Stainless Steel (standard) pediatric crowns

imagem geral curso.webp

1h - online

(Theoretical presentation, videos, results, discussion)

Price: FREE


2h - online with small kit for hands-on

(Theoretical presentation, videos, results, hands-on)

Price: 150 €/person


12h - presential with kit for hands-on

(Theoretical presentation, videos, results, hands-on)

Price: 450 €/person

Next dates:

27th November, 18h UTC - Free

join at:

Meeting ID: 942 3528 1352; Pass: 086864


11thDecember, 18h UTC - Free

join at:

18th December, 18h UTC - Free

Join at:

1. PEEK crowns vs SS crowns (50 min) - Theoretical, tests and results, clinical cases (presentation, videos, discussion); 

2. MicroPk™ pediatric protocol (40 min) -

Theoretical presentation, hands-on, discussion;

3. The digital flow (20 min) - Demonstration with intra-oral scanner and discussion.

1. Materials properties (60 min);

2 Mechanical Properties (105 min);

3. Wear Properties (75 min);

4. Thermal Properties (60 mim);

5. Chermical and Biologycal properties (20 min);

6. Physical properties (40 min);

7. Fatigue properties (75 min);

8. Standard/personalized crowns (45 min);

9. The digital flow (60 min)

10. MicroPk™ pediatric protocol (120 min)

11. Failure Analysis and MDR eu 2017/45 (60 min)




5 world patents


Research Papers

More than 130 papers published by the team of the project in the dental area (since 2011)


CMEMS / UMinho

The projects behind the Extreme Materials-Dental solutions developments were performed in the CMEMS - Research Center for Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, from the University of Minho, with several partners around the world. 


CMEMS was established in December 2013 at the University of Minho and supports a research team with a high degree of multidisciplinary members, from different backgrounds (engineering, physics, medical) and from academic and industrial fields. The focus is on modelling computation, design and micro/nano fabrication of devices and components for two major domains: industrial applications (automotive, aerospace, energy, textiles) and biomedical applications (neuroengineering, microendoscopy, dental, surgery, rehabilitation).


As excellence can only be achieved through international cooperation, several partnerships were established with European, American, and Brazilian Universities in the field of micro/nano fabrication and biomedical applications. In CMEMS publications, 40% of them include international investigators or/and industrial partners. A strong partnership has also been built with the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), an international key player in the field of micro/nano fabrication, which is located in the city of Braga. CMEMS was rated ‘Excellent’ in the two evaluations (2013 and 2019) of the Science and Technology Foundation.

The University of Minho is a young university with a strong emphasis on research and innovation with close contact with companies.

Videos & photos
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